Just because you are finally finished with Fall unclaimed property reporting, does not mean you can sit back and take it easy. With the New Year, you need to think about the next filing season!
Remember there are states that require “spring” reporting, including:
• Delaware (3/1/19)
• New York (3/10/19)
• Connecticut (3/31/19)
• Pennsylvania (4/15/19)
• Florida (4/30/19)
• Illinois (5/1/19)
• Vermont (5/1/19)
• Michigan (7/1/19)
• Texas (7/1/19)
These states have a variety of due diligence threshold requirements, ranging from $50 to $0, and differences in notification requirements (from certified mailings to first class letters).
Our professionals at UPCR are knowledgeable and experienced with filing requirements for all jurisdictions. We can ease your mind and assist you with all aspects of reporting! Contact us today!