If you are new to – or even if you have been reporting for years, you know that AUP reporting is complicated and confusing. Each state has its own rules, dormancy periods, property type codes, and other requirements. It can be overwhelming!
If you are a life insurance holder, you have even more reporting burdens, as many states require life insurance reporting on a different schedule than general ledger assets.
If you find your staffing resources constrained, or just need some help, talk to us. We are a full-service professional provider, serving all industries and familiar with the reporting requirements of all unclaimed property types. We have over 100 years combined experience, and developed and maintain a comprehensive compliance reporting system, UPNavigator. We assist holders with all aspects of reporting including performing due diligence, processing reporting extensions, filing annual state reports, voluntary compliance issues, and holder reimbursements.
Let us help you ease the AUP-reporting burden! Contact us today at info@upcr-llc.com for a free consultation.